Here are some photos of our adventures in Las Tolas and Mindo!
Stella and Ian trying on hand woven hats
Bienvenidos a nuestra casa en Las Tolas!
Jacob, Malcolm, Ian, and Eamon playing cards in the house before bed
Neely, Lucy, Emma, and Colton working on the mural at the casa comunal
Jacob and Malcolm varnishing the ceiling
Stella, Grace, and Ian painting the shower and bathroom doors
Eamon, Lucy, Neely, and Taylor working with our maestro de obras, Renee, on the kitchen
Shelby taking a water break
Colton roasting cocoa beans during our chocolate making lesson in Mindo!
Peeling the beans
Enjoying our hamacas in Mindo!
Lydia, Angeline, Macy, and Neely on the cable car over the cloud forest in Mindo.
Macy, Lydia, Angeline, Neely, and Hannah with our ninja tubing guides
The view of Otavalo before our day of compras at the Saturday market.
More soon!
– Lucia y Bretton